Task Tracking

Proposed Task Tracking Process

Each task identified in the Gantt chart will have its own tracking document. (See Task List below.) Every task will have a manager once they are started. The tasks will list the subtasks required to complete the task. These subtasks will also identify a manager. The task tracking document will have a task name, description, product, and status in addition to identifying the manager. The tasks and subtasks will have a list of updates that include a date, changes, and the location of any documents created or collected.

Example Task Document

Task Name: Collect Existing Feedback
Description: Review feedback on 2008 Framework document
Product: Goals Document
Manager: David Walker
Status: In Work

Subtask: Deconstruct 2008 Framework
Description: Identify the major sections of the 2008 Framework and characterize the content.
Product: Framework Structure Analysis Document
Manager: David Walker
Status: Not Started

Subtask: Collect and Analyze Previous Feedback
Description: Find any previous feedback on the 2008 Framework. Put source documents in History folder. Summarize the feedback and store the summary in the History folder.
Product: Feedback Summary Document and folder with source documents.
Manager: Not Assigned
Status: TBA (To Be Assigned)

Task List with Expected Products and Folder

Project Admin Tasks

Format Revision Tasks

Data Collection Tasks

Integration Tasks