IGDA Education Curriculum Project Plan

Proposed Plan

Using Analysis Results
(If Needed)
Using Analysis Results
(If Needed)
Using Analysis Results
(If Needed)
Curriculum Ready
Needs Revision
Define Goals
Define Approach
Data Collection Tasks
Curriculum Redesign Tasks
Collect Initial
Academic Input
Collect Initial
Industry Input
Collect Feedback
On Existing Format
Analyze Data
Collect Additional
Academic Input
Collect Additional
Industry Input
Revise Curriculum Design
And Collect Feedback
Consolidate Input
Enough Feedback?
Get Additional Feedback
Create Final
Curriculum Format
Collect Curriculum Content
Complete Curriculum
Open for Public Review
Evaluate Feedback


Define Goals

The high level goal is to revise the 2008 IGDA Curriculum Framework document.


Define Approach

Our tasks have two main components: Framework format revision and data collection. The two are related, but seperate, tasks. Format revision can impact the data we want to collect and data collection can result in a format revision. The tasks can be done in parallel, but will need to be done using several interations, with a consolidation task between interations.

This is a volunteer effort so our milestone dates and task assignment process needs to be flexible. We should set near term milestone dates but be prepared to extend them. We should attempt to recruit a large enough pool of volunteers to be able to fill a vacancy or bridge a gap in a volunteer's availability.

Key tasks should be identified for the entire project. We need a road map that tells us where we're going and how we plan to get there. However, only the immediate tasks need to be detailed. Every step forward will give us better insight on what we need to do next. We need to be prepared to adapt and revise our plans as we advance. Near term tasks are easier to define and time spent on long term task definition will be lost when those tasks get redefined.

While this project will require significant effort, it is not particularly complex. We can use a high level gantt chart to track overall progress and a simple task tracker for the tasks. We will need a Google Docs Folder with a predefined set of subfolders to hold our progress. One of the subfolders will contain reports generated at the end of each task.


Format Redesign Tasks

We can extract a curriculum framework template from the existing framework. This will become our baseline framework template.

Collect Feedback on Existing Format

Collect any existing feedback from Academics. Collect feedback on baseline framework template from SIG members. Modify the template as appropriate.

Data Collection Tasks

During Phase 1, we have identified two data collection tasks. We will get data from both industry and academia.

Collect Initial Industry Input

The primary source of industry data during Phase 1 will be job descriptions for entry level employees. The data collected should be stored in IGDA Curriculum Framework -> Phase I -> Industry Data.

Collect Initial Academic Input

The primary source of academia data during Phase 1 will be from our initial survey. The survey and the data produced should be stored in IGDA Curriculum Framework -> Phase I -> Survey 1 Data.

Analyze Data

At this point, we should have four sources of data: the original 2008 framework, feedback on the original framework, data collected from the survey, and job descriptions for entry level positions. The primary product produced by this data analysis task is the baseline framework template. This is basically the revised IGDA Curriculum Framework document sans course content. The secondary product produced would be a Phase I Progress report that documents what we learned during Phase I.

Using Analysis Results

Revise Curriculum Design and Collect Feedback

We'll use the feedback, survey results, and industry provided data to modify the format of the framework.

Collect Additional Industry Input if required

If we discover we need additional feedback or data from industry, we will create tasks to obtain it.

Collect Additional Academic Input if required

If we discover we need additional feedback or data from academia, we will create tasks to obtain it.

Iterate Collecting Feedback and Consolidating Input until satisfied with result

We continue collecting additional data and making revisions (cycling through steps 3 and 4) until we have a curriculum framework template that seems finished.

Create Final Curriculum Format

This is a milestone, not a task. It marks the end of Phase I and the beginning of Phase 2.

Collect Curriculum Content

A team will create a list of the curriculum content needed for the framework. The list will be organized into sets of related elements and assigned to working groups. A team lead will be chosen for each group and will be responsible for organizing their working group, while collectively deciding on a flexible timeframe. They will develop benchmarks or learning outcomes for each core topic. Ensure regional representation in each group or consult experts from those regions. Discuss the needs, practices, and experiences of various programs or countries to guide framework development within the workgroups. Collaboration and diverse perspectives are crucial for creating an effective educational framework.

Complete Curriculum

Each team lead finalizes the agreed benchmarks or learning outcomes and prepares them for discussion with the rest of the team. This material will be integrated into the framework and then finalized by the team. This marks the end of Phase 2.

Iterate Review and Revision until satisfied with the results

After the framework is developed, send it back to the community for feedback. Revise the framework based on their feedback. Present the revised framework at conferences. Make further revisions based on feedback from conferences. This will be an iterative process that ends when we are satisfied the framework is ready. This set of tasks is Phase 3.


We publish the framework and advertise its existance. At this time we should create a new project to develop and implement a maintenance mechanism for the Framework. Additional post-publish tasks include: